Littering is prohibited in Japan.
Please take all trash with you when you leave.
In particular if you litter in a Beautification Enforcement Area,you will be fined up to 30,000 yen.
To encourage people to bring back their garbage, the Kyoto City Beautification Promotion Agency has created a portable waste bag (picture).
Currently, the bags are being distributed to tourists in cooperation with stores in tourist sites such as in Higashiyama and Arashiyama.
Please gather up all your garbage from your outing and bring it back with you in this bag. (Also, you may throw your garbage away in public garbage bins* within the city.)
*Garbage bins are placed in tourist sites to prevent littering.
Cleaning in front of a residence or business is a traditional custom in Kyoto.
Let’s continue to keep this town beautiful for the future.
On a hot summer day, Kyoto people sprinkle water, uchimizu, in the garden and street to cool down.
Without the use of electricity or gas, it is eco-friendly and another way to be even more environmental friendly is to use bathwater or rainwater.
In order to keep Kyoto beautiful, clean activities and public awareness activities are necessary.
In Kyoto City, in cooperation with residents, businesses, organizations, and the local government, beautification activities are carried out.
On the first through the fourth Tuesday of every month, members and business people as well as residents get together to clean the following places.
For this project, volunteers walk around cleaning tourist sites and downtown (For individuals). In addition, this includes the One Day Beautification Passport, which target tourists and student field trips.
Worldwide Kyoto Ward Beautification Citizen Executive Committee, including Kyoto City and the Kyoto City Beautification Promotion Agency, works in cooperation with residents and businesses to help Kyoto stay one of the most beautiful cities in the world; with activities taking place mainly in June (Eco-Friendly Month) and November (Kyoto City Beautification Promotion Month).
Kyoto City encourages citizen groups, volunteer groups, educational groups, businesses, administrative organizations to keep the front of residences and businesses clean and to implement plans against littering, the illegal disposal of waste, abandoned bicycles, and illegal advertisements etc., which adversely affect the townscape.
Especially in June and November, they encourage people citizens and tourists to pay attention to city beautification by marching in town and cleaning etc.
This includes companies of beverage companies, cigarette companies, convenience stores, fast food restaurants, bento shops, travel companies, passenger vehicle transportation businesses, beverage bottles companies, and tourism related groups and economic groups as well as Kyoto City, and they have regular cleaning activities, beautification promotion activities and make posters and signs for promotion.